I hope everyone has had a lovely week, especially with so much happening! This week, the Seals have had an excellent pair of trips up to the Junior school – they loved getting to meet their new teachers and classmates […]
This week we have been looking at the book, Where the Wild Things Are. The children in owls have enjoyed putting actions to the story and retelling the story in their own words. We then created our own Wild Thing […]
During Forest School we choose different leaves that we found outside and made our own tree art with them. We looked at the different colours and textures of the leaves and spoke about why some are brown and some are […]
I hope you have all had a great week. This week the seals have been learning about Weymouth and it’s features, then writing an advert to promote going there! Their adverts were excellent, using great vocabulary and great drawings of […]
This week we have had a fabulous time taking part in different races for our Sports Day – relay, egg and spoon, bouncy hopper and bean bag on head too name a few!We raced against the other classes and got […]
This week we have had a super week with lots of exciting activities planned for us! We took part in our first School Sports Day! We really enjoyed taking part and racing against our team mates in races such as […]
We have been learning to write a persuasive text by reading the story of the Boy who cried Ninja. We really enjoyed the story and have done some nice writing. […]
We haver been exploring different textures and created a collage of the playground as our final art piece. […]
We have been looking at pictograms and discussing the information that they are sharing. We have been asking some very tricky questions about the data. […]
We have been looking at animals and what they need to survive. We have been matching animals to their babies. […]