This week we have celebrated Mental Health Day by wearing bright colours, taking part in some ‘happy breathing’ and thinking about what makes us happy. In our ‘Happy Minds’ lesson we learnt that we have 3 parts of the brain […]
The children have settled into school really well and are becoming familiar with the routines of the day. This week all of our learning has been based on the story of ‘Goldilocks’ and we have retold the story, sequenced the […]
This week a sports coach came to school and we tried two different sports. We had a go at playing rugby and volleyball. We had to hit the ball over the net when we played volleyball. It was quite tricky […]
During Forest School we choose different leaves that we found outside and made our own tree art with them. We looked at the different colours and textures of the leaves and spoke about why some are brown and some are […]
This week we have been creating our own compositions on the glockenspiels. We used the notes D and E to create different compositions to the familiar song ‘Baa, Baa Black Sheep’. We found that we needed to leave a rest […]
We had some special visitors in our class today. The chicks from Year Two visited us and we got to stroke them. We thought they were very cute and soft. We discussed how they had hatched from eggs and when […]
This week we have explored doubling. We learnt that doubling means adding the same number together and we used a butterfly to show this. We painted spots on one side of the butterfly and then folded the paper in half […]
This week we were pleased to watch our butterflies emerge from their cocoon. We fed them fruit and left sugared water in their net. We enjoyed watching their wings grow stronger and after couple of days we took them outside […]
Today Reception received a visit from the Animal Man. They were very excited to see the animals which included an African python, a white-faced scops owl, a pacman frog, a blue tongued skink, giant hissing cockroaches and a pair of […]
In our Forest School lesson today, Monkeys made bug hotels using twigs, grass, flowers and leaves. The children had lots of fun using their imagination and creativity! […]