In math’s we are learning new strategies to help us multiply numbers together. We are using repeated addition sentences and learning a lot. […]
In science we have been exploring animal habitats and learning what animals eat. We have put what we have learnt together in food chains. […]
We are excited to be making our puppets this week. We are going to use the new sewing skills we have learnt to create our puppet. […]
In our design and technology sessions we will be designing our own puppet that we are going to make. We are going to use our sewing skills that we learnt last week. […]
In design and technology we learnt to use the running stitch. We are going to use these skills when we learn to make our puppets. […]
In maths we have been using the balance scales to measure a range of objects. We have used the inequality symbol to compare these objects. […]
In science we explored minibeast habitats and designed a home for a minibeast of our choice. We enjoyed making our bug hotels and wrote about them back in the classroom. […]