About Us

Beeches Infant School

Welcome To Our School Website!

Who Are We?

Welcome to our school which is in the Great Barr area of Birmingham.

This is a happy school where children are at the heart of everything we do. Our motto is ‘we grow, we care, we learn, we share’, and this is exactly what happens here.

Beeches Infant School (BIS) caters for children aged 4-7 years and there are nine classes, three in each year group. We are part of a campus of five schools and have close links with Perry Beeches Nursery, Beeches Junior, Arena Academy and also Priestley Smith School for the blind and partially sighted.

We believe in partnership and work closely with parents to achieve the best for our pupils; Aiming high at Beeches Infant School. Our aim is to provide a broad and balanced curriculum as well as to prepare children for their future by becoming independent learners. Our website gives you a wonderful insight into the work of our school, the learning that takes place, and the many opportunities that our children have available to them.

Our School Life

Our school motto is We Grow, We Care, We Learn, We Share. We believe that this ensures our children the best possible experience during their introduction to the education system, putting them first at all times and ensuring a positive learning environment for all.

Delivering an inspiring & thought-provoking curriculum is our passion. Our thought-provoking curriculum challenges our children in fun and innovative ways to ensure they enjoy their learning.

At Beeches Infants School, we are delighted to be classed as a Rights Respecting Gold School. Gold: Rights Respecting is the third stage of the Rights Respecting Schools Award, It is granted by UNICEF UK to schools that have fully embedded children’s rights throughout the school in its policies, practice and ethos, as outlined in the RRSA Strands and Outcomes.

For more information, please click here.

As a school, we believe creating a positive learning environment is vital maintaining pupil success. This positive environment creates high standards of learning, whilst also (and some say most importantly) ensuring school is fun!

What Have We Been Up To At School This Week?

Check out our latest blog posts here!

Vacancy: School Administrator

For more information about this post, please click here.

Number Bonds!

This week in Tigers we have been looking at number bonds to 10. We used ten frames to work out how many counters we have, and how many more we need to make 10. We realised there were lots of different ways to make 10. We have been Mathematicians this week!

Sports Day

On Tuesday we enjoyed taking part in different races and competitions in front of our grown-ups and cheering for our friends! Well done Crocodiles class, you all tried really hard and made me very proud. I think we may have some budding athletes!

Oliver’s Fruit Salad

Over the last couple of weeks we have been learning about healthy foods and lifestyle. We have linked this to the stories ‘Olivers Vegetables’ and ‘Olivers Fruit Salad’ by Vivian French. We will continue to learn about what is healthy and what is not healthy next week. The children have learnt that unhealthy foods are […]

Big Bad Wolf Science Experiment

Last week as part of our learning for ‘The Three Little Pigs’, we planned and drew a house for the three little pigs. We discussed which materials would be suitable to make a ‘strong’ house. We thought that the lego bricks would be a good choice. This week we have been testing our houses. We […]

The Three Little Pigs

This week we have been exploring the traditional tale of ‘The Three Little Pigs’. We explored the story through sequencing and retelling using puppets and role play materials. We then explored which materials would be suitable to build a house. First, we explored the different types of houses that exist, across the world, and what […]