This week in a build up to World Children’s Day, in Reception we have been learning about air pollution and how it effects us. In the outdoor learning area we all took part in a leaf experiment.
Our first job was to find a leaf near to the road, (within school grounds) followed by a leaf closer to school.
We carefully wiped the surface of each leaf with a cotton bud, so we could compare the differences that we found:
-The leaf nearest to the road made the cotton bud look brown and dirty.
-The leaf from the playground didn’t leave any marks on the cotton bud.
We talked about air pollution and how the busy road adds to this, this is why the leaves looked so different in our investigation.
We related our learning to some of our rights:
Article 24 of the UNCRC says that children and young people have the right to the best health possible.
Article 29 of the UNCRC is about the aims of education. It says that one of these is to make sure children and young people develop respect for the natural environment.