Today Monkey class took part in lots of activities for Well-being day. We did mindfullness colouring, bubble breathing and had a yoga session in the hall. We also read the Colour Monster story and talked about different emotions. […]
Last week we started our Guided Reading sessions with the children.The children read with an adult in a small group three times per week.We are currently looking at books with no words, asking the children to talk about what they […]
At Beeches we use music planning from Charanga Music School. In our music lessons this term, we have been learning about pulse. The pulse is like a heartbeat and stays the same throughout a piece of music. We practise finding […]
This week the Crocodiles have been learning about Autumn and exploring some of the things we can see, hear and feel. We have collected leaves and made some beautiful leaf rubbing pictures with crayons. We have also been examining pumpkins. […]
This week we have continued with our Dear Zoo book. The children have enjoyed retelling the story and sequencing pictures from the story. We have also worked on the composition of number to 3. As part of our work on […]
As a Rights Respecting School, we have been exploring what our rights as children should look like. To do this we first discussed what the word ‘rights’ meant to us. We then all shared what we thought we have the […]
Whales have enjoyed learning about how schools have changed from the past. Ask your child what their preference is on schools in the present day and the past. […]
This week the seals have been preparing to write their own version of The Dragon Machine by creating their own animal machines – they loved applying their creative skills to their English work! In maths, we have been learning how […]
This week we have been reading the story ‘Dear Zoo’. We loved sequencing the story, using small animal models, in our small world play area, and we also used story sack spoons to retell the story to our friends. We […]
This week we have celebrated Mental Health Day by wearing bright colours, taking part in some ‘happy breathing’ and thinking about what makes us happy. In our ‘Happy Minds’ lesson we learnt that we have 3 parts of the brain […]