This week we have worked super hard in Tiger Class! We looked at the story ‘Were going on a bear hunt’, and used this to draw and label a story map to help retell the story. In PE, we used […]
This week we have enjoyed looking at alliteration. We enjoyed creating alliterative phrases using food. For example silly, smelly sausages. […]
Monkey class have enjoyed learning the story ‘We’re going on a Bear Hunt’. The children have drawn story maps as well as creating physical ones in our Forest School session. They have been retelling the story with actions and have […]
In D&T, owls have started to look at different moving mechanisms used in different books. We have thought about how we can create our own moving pictures. Over the coming weeks, we will create our own moving superhero using a […]
This week we have been using our computing scheme of work ‘Purple Mash’ to sequence the story of ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ by Michael Rosen. The children were able to independently select the correct colours to reflect on […]
We are working really hard on our handwriting and producing work that is our best. […]
In math’s we are learning new strategies to help us multiply numbers together. We are using repeated addition sentences and learning a lot. […]
This week we gave our teddies a Teddy bears picnic and worked on how to share the food equally between 2 or 3 teddies. We also compared groups to see if they were the same. […]
This week we have been settling back into school life. In English we have had a circle time to share what we have been up to over the holidays and wrote recounts. Many children spoke about spending enjoying spending time […]
We have made a super start to the new term and new year in Year 1. I have been so impressed with the children’s attitude to learning and they are trying really hard with their presentation now. In R.E this […]